Iron Throne RolePlay Wikia


  • Crakehall, the seat of the Crakehall family sits like a monolith in the midst of their forest. They once lived in a smaller keep, a keep that was raised by the first Crakehalls long ago, and the second, taller, larger and more defensive castle built as the family gained prominence. Their kennels are among the finest in Westeros, worthy of a family of great huntsmen.
  • The New Keep, Is big and bold. Its walls are tall (40 feet high) and thick, its towers tall and round. Murder holes and arrow-slits dot the castle's walls, and crenellations cover the top of the walls. No wall in particular towers over the other, as the castle has no side in particular that is most easily defendable. The castle is flanked by forest on all sides, which acts as a natural barrier.
  • The Old Keep, is mostly a ruin. It is located deep in the forest, away from the Ocean Road. Its cracked walls are low lying and moss covered. A dried up moat surrounds the Keep. Bandits frequently occupy it.
  • The Tusk, is the largest and thickest tower in the new keep. This houses the Lord and all his family.
  • A small town, as old as the castle, lies beneath the shadow of the castle's walls. It usually swells in size during winter, and deflates during summer. This is protected by a high wooden palisade.
  • Crakehall Forest, vast and old, game abounds in this forest including the boar the Crakehall sigil depicts. This forest forms a crucial border with the Reach to the south.
  • The Ocean Road, the road that runs from Lannisport in the Westerlands to Highgarden in the Reach passes beside the Castle.

-----------------------------------> (The old Keep)









